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Sunday, September 7, 2014

Review: "H2O" (The Rain #1) by Virgina Bergin

Synopsis: It's in the rain...and just one drop will kill you. They don't believe it at first. Crowded in Zach's kitchen, Ruby and the rest of the partygoers laugh at Zach's parents' frenzied push to get them all inside as it starts to drizzle. But then the radio comes on with the warning, "It's in the rain! It's fatal, it's contagious, and there's no cure." Two weeks later, Ruby is alone. Anyone...

Friday, September 5, 2014

Review: "My Last Kiss" by Bethany Neal

Synopsis: What if your last kiss was with the wrong boy? Cassidy Haines remembers her first kiss vividly. It was on the old covered bridge the summer before her freshman year with her boyfriend of three years, Ethan Keys. But her last kiss--the one she shared with someone at her seventeenth birthday party the night she died--is a blur. Cassidy is trapped in the living world, not only mourning the...

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Review: "Soulless" (Death Warden #1) by Amber Garr

Synopsis: When it comes to death and love…only one is guaranteed. Four decades ago Nora died. A tragic event for someone so young; however, four decades ago Nora was also given a second chance to walk among the living. A Death Warden with a mysterious past, her job is to escort the newly expired towards the light, battling with the Soul Hunters who want the freshly dead to help with their own...

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Review: "The Whispering Skull" (Lockwood & Co. #2) by Jonathan Stroud

Synopsis: In the six months since Anthony, Lucy, and George survived a night in the most haunted house in England, Lockwood & Co. hasn't made much progress. Quill Kipps and his team of Fittes agents keep swooping in on Lockwood's investigations. Finally, in a fit of anger, Anthony challenges his rival to a contest: the next time the two agencies compete on a job, the losing side will have...

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Review: "The Screaming Staircase" (Lockwood & Co. #1) by Jonathan Stroud

 Synopsis: When the dead come back to haunt the living, Lockwood & Co. step in . . . For more than fifty years, the country has been affected by a horrifying epidemic of ghosts. A number of Psychic Investigations Agencies have sprung up to destroy the dangerous apparitions. Lucy Carlyle, a talented young agent, arrives in London hoping for a notable career. Instead she finds herself joining...
